
Women in Arts Award

Just found out that my piece Show A Change has won an Honor Award for the Women in Arts Awards. So exciting! The show will hang from March 9 to April 23, 2019 at the Orlando Public Library. I have another chance to win the Patron's Choice Award certificate. Library patrons are invited to vote for their favorite piece in the exhibition on-site or online at facebook.com/oclslib when the exhibition opens on March 9. The winning artist will receive a Patron's Choice Award certificate. Congratulations to Donne Bitner of McRae Art Studios who is a finalist and to all the other winners. I can’t wait to see the show!

Show A Change.jpg

When In Doubt, Add a Third Eye

Sometimes, a painting just needs to be revisited and addressed further. This happens to me more than I readily admit but this painting was an obvious case. The first attempt was a piece called Speechless that I painted for my solo show Journey to Bliss (at Arts on Douglas Gallery in New Smyrna.) The peaceful woman on the left represented how I try to live my life; completely calm and in the present moment, absorbing and cherishing every moment for the gift that it is. The woman on the right represented how I could freeze, become speechless and loose my voice when confronted with anger, hostility and non-acceptance by a certain person from my past. This was yet another classic example of my art as therapy!

Speechless, first round

Speechless, first round

The more I stared at Speechless, once it was back in my studio, the more I wanted to change it. Was it because it was about being passive or feeling helpless? Or was it because the painting itself just didn't work. What would I say about the piece if it was a student or a fellow artist? The composition is split in half down the middle, leaving it too awkward, too clumsy, too bright, too this, too that. After a solid hour of staring at it, I figured it out. I broke my own rule about components in odd numbers. You can't divide a piece down the middle with only two fragments! So that was the solution; when in doubt, add a third eye. 

In the traditions of the chakras, the third eye is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination. This third eye may not have been on her forehead, but it symbolizes the reflection and the awareness that both my painting and my predicament were missing! I love this painting so much more now. Fixed and that much closer to healed!

Speechless Again, second round

Speechless Again, second round

Other third eye paintings I love! 

Winter Shows

Galleries and Current Shows


Small Things Considered
Arts On Douglas Gallery

Exhibition Dates: December 2-30, 2017
Opening Reception on Saturday, December 2, 4-7 pm
New Smyrna Beach, FL

6th Ave Art Studios
Saturday, December 2, 2017, 9 am - 4 pm,  Mount Dora Art Stroll
Friday, December 8, 2017, 6 pm - 8 pm,  Mount Dora Art Splash
133 West 6th Ave, Mount Dora, FL

Beaux Arts Member Show
The Art League of Daytona Beach

Opening Reception on December 3, 2017, 1–4 pm
December 3- January 3, 2018
433 South Palmetto Avenue
Daytona Beach, Florida

Art Center Sarasota Faculty Show
December 14, 2017 – January 19, 2018
Opening December 14 from 5-7 pm
Art Center Sarasota, FL


45th Annual Art Festival Beth-El
January 27, 28 and 29, 2018
400 Pasadena Ave S.
St. Petersburg, FL


4 Paintings A Week

Our Daily Painting group is at it again! Heather Earnest, Pat Weaver, Nancy Johnson and Lynn Ashford and myself have committed to the challenge. To encourage bigger works, we have redefined our goals and decided on 4 paintings a week and a blog about it on Thursdays. My first week at it resulted in only 3 pieces but they are huge and I love them!! Here's what each of us did.

Christine Peloquin;  acrylics, charcoal, fabric and paper collage on wood panel

Heather Earnest; watercolor

Pat Weaver; watercolor

Nancy Johnson; watercolor

Lynn Ashford; watercolor and acrylics


I think a lot. We all do. Our brains, like our hearts, never take a break. My teachers like Tolle and Byron Katie remind me that we are not these thoughts that spiral around at 3am, but the peace and awareness that underlies them. That got me thinking (of course) about the difference between intuition and ego. So my questions are, when you sense something, can you trust and know what is your intuition and what is your ego? Can you sense your own awareness? Are you aware that you are aware? Namaste

Sense, 48" x 60"